About Spirit Speaks TV™

Spirit Speaks TV™ is a TV show in which Spirit communicates the ultimate wisdom of the ‘ALL THAT IS’ through the Medium, Rachel Olliffe, directly to you.

Spirit Speaks TV™ Ep 4: Releasing Anger, Frustration and Resentment

This week on Spirit Speaks TV™, Spirit outlines some tips on how to constructively release anger, frustration and resentment to avoid manifesting illness in your body and creating karma for yourself. Spirit also encourages us to use the white light visualisation technique to protect yourself when others send these negative emotions toward you. Get the iTunes Podcast

Spirit Speaks TV™ Episode 3

In this final installment of the three part series on Loving Detachment and Forgiveness, Spirit describe a healing technique and a protection visualisation that you can use to assist you to practice loving detachment and forgiveness when we are feeling challenged in our relationships with others. Get the iTunes Podcast

Spirit Speaks TV™ Episode 2

This is the second installment of a three part series on ‘Loving Detachment’ and ‘Forgiveness’. This week on Spirit Speaks TV™, Spirit explain in more detail what they mean by ‘Loving Detachment’ and ‘Forgiveness’. Spirit also outline some examples of situations in our lives in which they encourage us to apply ‘Loving Detachment’ and ‘Forgiveness’. Get the iTunes Podcast

Spirit Speaks TV™ Episode 1

This week, Spirit introduces the concepts of ‘Loving Detachment’ and ‘Forgiveness’. Spirit encourages us to begin to practice them in our everyday lives to make our relationships stronger and to release us from the burden of hatred, anger, fear, worry, frustration and resentment. Get the iTunes Podcast